Parkinson's UK Cirencester & Stroud Branch
07586 532635 ask for Karen

Becoming a Branch Member enables us to ensure you are kept aware of all our Branch organised activities, many of which are subsidised from Branch funds. As well as having access to our Branch website, members also receive our seasonal Branch Newsletter, either by email or paper copy updating members on what your committee are doing.

Individuals who are members of Parkinson’s UK do not automatically become Branch Members. Parkinson’s UK does not automatically assign you to a branch or join you into that branch.

Becoming a Branch Member is simple, and there is no membership fee (although you can make a donation to Branch Funds at any time!). Carers or other family members should join separately.

Please complete the online membership form below. Alternatively, if you wish a hard copy version of the membership form to complete and post, then contact our Secretary: Karen Young.

Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.
Please indicate your status
PD = I have Parkinson's / CS = I am a Carer or Spouse supporting / N/A = Other
Write number AFTER the T:
Write number AFTER the M:
Happy to be contacted by EMAIL or POST ONLY?
The Branch Secretary sends out regular updates to you on our activities and services.
Add N/A if not known or not applicable
Please let us know the Name and Contact details of someone we can contact in case of emergency should we need to.
Branch can call you on the phone?
You will only receive calls from the Branch if needed, no cold calling.
I give my consent to publish (when needed only)
Please indicate above if you give us your consent to publish occasional photos taken during branch activities to promote Cirencester and Stroud Branch of Parkinson's UK. You retain the right to request removal from the website of such photos at any time.
Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) I give my consent
I understand that my details will be held with Parkinson's UK head office and this branch committee so that we can send you branch activity and update information. I give my consent to this in joining the Cirencester & Stroud Branch of Parkinson's UK. For reference here is the link to GDPR Privacy Policy:
Please let us know here why you wish to join, what you would like to participate in i.e. social activities, therapeutic activities, sport, other.
Application and Consent form for new Branch Members