Parkinson's UK Cirencester & Stroud Branch
07586 532635 ask for Karen

To donate to our work in the community to help people live well with their Parkinson’s please use the following bank transfer details:


Barclay’s Business account name:  (needs to be typed in exactly as below)
sort code: 20-00-00  a/c 13890260

Kian Hawtin is fundraising for Parkinson’s UK here is a link to his fundraising page

Parkinson’s UK – Kian Hawtin


We, have the following fundraising events planned throughout 2025. This table will be updated monthly.

Event Target Actual
Marjorie Cunningham Art (Feb) £1,000 £1,540
Cirencester Male Voice Choir (Feb) £500 £600
World Parkinson’s Day (Apr) £1,000
Bridge Drive (Jun) £1,000
Garden Open Day (Jun) £500
Pianist (Oct) £500
PPU8 (Oct) £6,000
McGills Accountancy (Dec) £1,000
2025 Total £12,500 £2,140
2024 Total £21,000 £27,237
2023 Total Raised £10,000 £19,729
Combined Total £43,500 £49,106


Updated 4th Mar 2025


Donations can also be made by testamentary dispositions (through personal wills) and in-memoriam donations.

Please contact Branch Chairman Kevin Young for information regarding all donations.

Thank you.