Parkinson's UK Cirencester & Stroud Branch
07586 532635 ask for Karen

Come and join us for Bridge Night in aid of Parkinson’s UK at Cirencester Baptist Church, Chesterton Lane, GL7 1YE

Free parking available at the Church and opposite at Cirencester Carpets car park

ARRIVE: 6pm to start playing at 6:30pm

FORMAT: Chicago

PRIZES: Top 3 pairs and lowest Scoring

TICKETS: (includes glass of Prosecco)

Book Bridge Night Tickets Below
Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.
Name of 1st Player
Name of 2nd Player
Email of the person to be contacted
Payment - through bank transfer, details below
*Online payments should be in advance to this account:- Barclay's Business account name: (needs to be typed in exactly as this): PARKINSONS DISEASE SOCIETY OF THE UNITED KINGDOM Sort Code: 200000 Account Number: 13890260 TICKET PRICE INCLUDES A WELCOME DRINK

Booking arrangements – as pairs

REFRESHMENTS: Tea and coffee available all evening for voluntary CASH donation

Raffle tickets will be on sale for a variety of prizes


Jim Edwards 07791 040286

Karen Young 07586 532635
